

Hello folks!


Thanks for stopping by!

I’m a 37-year-old author from Leeds and I am represented by Graham Maw Christie Literary Agency.

I never thought of myself as a blog-writing kind of guy, typically associating the word “blog” with a nineteen-year-old with a double-barrelled surname finding themselves at the full moon party in Thailand. However, in a bid to try and promote my first book, I decided to give it a go and started writing Monday Musings on Medium back in 2015. The early editions were loosely centred around my futile attempts at book marketing but there’s only so much you can say about not being very good at Twitter and I soon began writing whatever was on my mind on that particular week. This typically involved profound topics such as: football, hangovers, being an idiot, knocking around with mates, and encounters with odd people.

I was, though, fortunate in my timing as the subsequent couple of years happened to be the most eventful of my life: buying a house, becoming an Airbnb host, starting a new career (x3), learning to drive (aged 29), having a second book published and getting married were all covered. As was travelling around France with six men in a too-small van, getting lost in the most haunted village in England, and a harrowing evening with Peter Andre.

Since becoming parents in 2017 my experiences as a (flagging) dad have become the focal point of my writing. This is because, being honest, I don’t have much else to say. There’s not much else going on in my life. Obviously, I love Louise and the kids and being a parent is wonderful etc. However, talking about the good stuff doesn’t lend itself particularly well to a humorous blog (nobody wants a bragging dad) so I tend to concentrate on the more challenging aspects. We have two sons: Joshua (5) and Jacob (3). We are categorically not having any more.

I’ve been delighted to see that my readership has increased significantly since I shifted the focus from nothing-in-particular to parenting and rebranded as The Flagging Dad. It’s been great to hear that people find my writing funny and relatable and I massively appreciate the positive feedback. So much so that after months of deliberation/doing nothing at all, I have finally got around to creating a proper website.

So, here we are. On this website you’ll find my Flagging Dad blog posts from the past few years and I will regularly post new pieces. I have also put up a few things I’ve had published in magazines.

I am currently writing a new book.


